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A way to get around this is to make sure that pmap has enough to do at each step it parallelizes.
The easiest way to do this is to partition the input collection into chunks and run pmap on groups
of the input.
For this recipe, we'll use Monte Carlo methods to approximate pi . We'll compare a serial version
against a naïve parallel version as well as a version that uses parallelization and partitions.
Monte Carlo methods work by attacking a deterministic problem, such as computing pi,
nondeterministically. That is, we'll take a nonrandom problem and throw random data at
it in order to compute the results. We'll see how this works and go into more detail on
what this means toward the end of this recipe.
Getting ready
We'll use Criterium ( ) to handle
benchmarking, so we'll need to include it as a dependency in our Leiningen project.clj ile:
(defproject parallel-data "0.1.0"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[criterium "0.4.3"]])
We'll also use Criterium and the java.lang.Math class in our script or REPL:
(use 'criterium.core)
(import [java.lang Math])
How to do it…
To implement this, we'll deine some core functions and then implement a Monte Carlo
method that uses pmap to estimate pi.
1. We need to deine the functions that are necessary for the simulation. We'll have
one function that generates a random two-dimensional point, which will fall
somewhere in the unit square:
(defn rand-point [] [(rand) (rand)])
Now, we need a function to return a point's distance from the origin:
(defn center-dist [[x y]]
(Math/sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y))))
3. Next, we'll deine a function that takes a number of points to process and creates
that many random points. It will return the number of points that fall inside a circle:
(defn count-in-circle [n]
(->> (repeatedly n rand-point)
(map center-dist)
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