Database Reference
In-Depth Information
In this chapter, you learned the basic reasons for MongoDB failures and the situations in
which they might happen. We learned that the 32-bit version of MongoDB has some issues
in the production environment, and it's necessary to use a 64-bit version for production
only to prevent issues in high load.
After this, we learned about the ulimit function in Unix family operating systems, which
enable us to manage limitations for processes or change the limitation easily via the
command-line environment. Most of the time, MongoDB can reach this limitation and
crashes due to not having enough resources.
We then went on to discover that while replica sets are available for failover and the elec-
tion process, MongoDB is not available for write operations. Hence, we need to provide a
way to control the write operations and prevent data loss.
Then, we saw that the unavailability of configuration servers can cause issues for the
sharded cluster, and at least one configuration server should be available for the cluster.
Next, we reviewed the lock types of MongoDB for read/write operations, which prevents
operation conflicts and ensures that all clients receive the same view from the database.
In the next chapter, we will learn about the basic concepts of MongoDB clustering and how
we can create a cluster network in MongoDB to provide a readily available server.
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