Database Reference
In-Depth Information
In this chapter, we went through basic MongoDB topics such as major MongoDB pro-
cesses, how they work, and why they exist.
We learned that MongoDB consists of some main components such as core, import and ex-
port, GridFS, and diagnostic tools. Then, we discussed the basic processes that make Mon-
goDB work, that is, mongod and mongos . Also, we learned that developers or system ad-
ministrators can manage MongoDB using the mongo process. This is an interactive
JavaScript shell, which enables developers to run and execute commands, queries, and ad-
ministration procedures.
Next, we talked about import and export tools that give developers the ability to export and
import objects from and into the database, which is used for backup and restoration proced-
ures. In addition, you can find a brief description of the GridFS components and diagnostic
tools that are required to work with the filesystem. We also learned how to find database
statistics and issues with diagnostic tools.
In the next chapter, we will learn about the causes of failure in MongoDB and find remed-
ies and solutions to overcome these problems.
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