Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Learning about bsondump
The bsondump process is used to convert the BSON format data to common data
formats such as JSON. Essentially, bsondump comes in handy when developers want to
convert dump files that are generated by mongodump to human-readable formats.
A very simple usage of this command is shown in the following command line:
bsondump data.bson>data.json
Understanding mongooplog
The mongooplog is a utility that duplicates oplog from one server to another server,
for instance, in order to perform a migration task. In order to perform the migration opera-
tion, mongooplog accepts two parameters, the from and to server addresses.
What is oplog?
The oplog or operation log is a capped collection (a fixed-sized collection) of data that
keeps the record of all data altering operations. In further chapters, we will explain this
feature in detail.
The following is a simple usage of this command:
mongooplog --from server1 --host server2
The preceding command line will connect to the MongoDB instance of server1 and
copy the entire oplog to server2 instance.
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