Database Reference
In-Depth Information
"type": "COLLSCAN",
"works": 100002,
"yields": 782,
"unyields": 782,
"invalidates": 0,
"advanced": 100000,
"needTime": 1,
"needFetch": 0,
"isEOF": 1,
"docsTested": 100000,
"children": []
"ts": ISODate("2014-05-11T03:30:17.645Z"),
"client": "",
"allUsers": [],
"user": ""
As you can observe in the preceding output, there are a lot of fields in the profiler log, but
we will only review some of the important fields:
ts : This field shows the operation's timestamp, for example, ISODate
("2014-05-11T03:30:17.645Z") .
op : This field is used to detect the type of the operation.
The possible values are:
ns : This is the target namespace of the executed operation. This is a string start-
ing with a database, followed by a dot and the collection name, for example,
testdb.testcollection .
query : This field is a detailed plan of the operation's query. The following is an
example of this field:
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