Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Implementing configuration servers
Now it's time to start the first part of sharding. Establishing a configuration server is as
easy as running a mongod instance using the --configsvr parameter.
The following scheme shows the structure of the command:
mongod --configsvr --dbpath <path> --port <port>
If you don't pass the dbpath or port parameters, the configuration server uses /data/
configdb as the path to store data and port 27019 to execute the instance. However, you
can override the default values using the preceding command.
If this is the first time that you have run the configuration server, you might be faced with
some issues due to the existence of dbpath . Before running the configuration server,
make sure that you have created the path; otherwise, you will see an error as shown in the
following screenshot:
You can simply create the directory using the mkdir command as shown in the following
line of command:
mkdir /data/configdb
Also, make sure that you are executing the instance with a sufficient permission level; oth-
erwise, you will get an error as shown in the following screenshot:
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