Database Reference
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Adding an arbiter
An arbiter node doesn't store any data and only has a vote in replica set election. If you
have a replica set with an even number of members, you should add an arbiter.
Because an arbiter doesn't store data, to boost the performance of an arbiter, you can dis-
able some features safely. This can be done by performing the following steps:
1. To run an arbiter, create the dbpath directory first. This directory isn't used to
hold data; instead it is used to store configurations. This can be done with the fol-
lowing command line:
mkdir /data/arbiter
2. Next, run the mongod instance using the created dbpath directory:
mongod --port 20000 --dbpath /data/arbiter --replSet
As in the case of secondary or primary nodes, you can use the configuration
file instead of command-line parameters to run the arbiter instance. It's recommen-
ded that you use this approach.
3. After starting the arbiter node, you can add it to the replica set simply by ex-
ecuting the following command in the mongo shell:
4. After executing the preceding command, you should see the result shown in the
following screenshot:
5. Furthermore, to check the arbiter's status, you can use the same rs.status()
command. The following screenshot illustrates the status of our arbiter:
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