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swayed by the arguments of a particular agent or group (coalition) of agents, or that they
feel somewhat obliged, owing to a hierarchical, political or perhaps even more obscure
reason, to follow the opinion of that particular agent or coalition. Another reason may
be that they are acting in reaction against a given agent or coalition, by systematically
embracing the opposite opinion. We use the generic word ”influence” herein to refer to
all these types of phenomena [4].
Models have been introduced into game theory in order to represent influence in so-
cial networks. The point of departure is the concept of the Hoede-Bakker index, a notion
that computes the overall decisional power of an agent within a social network, which
in this case is a group of n agents. This index was developed in 1982 [5]; an extended
definition of decisional power was proposed in [3] and will now be summarized. The
reasons behind the existence of influence phenomena, i.e. why a given individual finally
changes his decision, is more a matter of the psychological sciences and lies beyond the
scope of such approaches.
Let's start by considering a set of agents
in order to simplify notations along with a power set denoted 2 {a 1 ,···,a n } . Each agent
is inclined to choose either +1 or
a 1 ,
,a n }
, denoted N =
1 ,
1 . An inclination vector, denoted i , is an n-vector
consisting of +1 and
1 . The j-th coordinate of i is thus denoted i a j ∈{−
1 , +1
n be the set of all inclination
represents the inclination of agent a j .Let I =
1 , +1
It can then be assumed that agents influence one another; moreover, due to influ-
ences arising in the network, the final decision of an agent may differ from his original
inclination. In other words, each inclination vector i
I is transformed into a decision
vector B ( i ) ,where B : I
I , i
B ( i ) is the influence function. The coordinates of
B ( i ) are expressed by ( Bi ) a j , j
1 ,
and ( Bi ) a j
is the decision of agent a j .
Lastly, gd : B ( I )
is a group decision function, assigned the value +1 if
the group decision is +1 and the value
1 , +1
1 .
An influence function B may correspond to a common collective behavior. For ex-
ample, in [3] a majority influence function Maj [ t ]
1 for a group decision of
parametrized by a real t has been
introduced. More precisely, for a given i ∈ I ,
Maj [ t ] i = 1 N if
i +
i +
1 N if
where i + =
i k =+1
and 1 N (resp.
1 N ) is the vector equal to 1 (resp. -1)
This set-up corresponds to the intuitive collective human behavior: when a majority
of players have an inclination of +1 , then all players decide +1 . Many classifications of
potential collective behavior (polarization, groupthink, mass psychology, etc.) can thus
be described mathematically.
An influence function may also be defined as a simple rule. For example, the follow-
ing rule may be associated with the Guru function: “when a Guru thinks +1 ,thenall
agents decide +1 “. Another example would be the opportunistic behavior, i.e.: “when
most of my supervisors decide +1 , then I decide +1 ”.
It can also be anticipated that mapping B : I
I is learned from experiment. The
identification of B may be perceived as a data-mining step using knowledge bases in
which collective decisions have been recorded as minutes of company meetings.
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