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Partition-Based Consequence Finding
We here propose a new method to construct the communication language so that Mes-
sage Passing Algorithm can be made complete for consequence finding.
Suppose the whole axiom set and its partitions
= i≤n A i . Recall that the com-
mon language of
A i and
A j is C ( i,j )= S (
A i )
S (
A j )( i,j
= j ) . Here,
we construct the communication language l ( i,j ) between
A i and
A j for consequence
finding by extending C ( i,j ) .Let
be the given production field. By adding the
literals appearing in L to the common language, each communication language in the
case of trees is defined as
l ( i,j )= C ( i,j ) ∪ S ( L ) .
When there are cycles in the graph G , the final communication language is set after all
cycles are cut using Algorithm 2. For example, suppose that an edge ( s, r ) is removed
from a cycle. Then, the communication language of an edge ( i,j )(
=( s, r )) in the cycle
is defined in the same way as before:
l ( i,j )= C ( i,j )
l ( s, r )
S ( L ) .
Two remarks are noted here. Firstly, in (3) and (4), the polarity of each literal in L
from the production field
are lost within the symbols S ( L ) . Although this does not
harm soundness and completeness of distributed consequence finding, there is some
redundancy in communication. Then, unlike the case of common language C ( i,j ) ,we
can keep the polarity of each literal in L in any l ( i,j ) so that unnecessary clauses
possessing literals that do not belong to
are not communicated between partitions.
Second, when C ( i,j )=
the edge ( i,j ) does not exist in the graph G . In this case,
l ( i,j ) need not be updated as S ( L ) using (3) and actually the edge is kept unnecessary.
In fact, if we could add the literals from the production field to those non-existent edges
in G , then the resulting graph G would become strongly connected. By applying Cycle
Cut Algorithm 2 to G , the minimal way is to cut those added edges again. However,
other edges already have the literals S ( L ) so their communication languages do not
change. Hence, we do not have to reconsider non-existent edges in G .
Algorithm 3 (Partition-based Consequence Finding)
1. If there is a cycle in the induced graph G , select some k
n and apply Cycle Cut
Algorithm 2 to G and transform it to a tree.
2. Determine the communication language between all pairs of partitions. For each
leaf partition
A i , do the following.
3. If
A i is the root partition, let
P i be the original production field
erwise, let j be the parent of i , and define the production field of
A i as
P i =
,where l ( i,j ) ± is the set of literals constructed from l ( i,j ) . Perform con-
sequence finding in
l ( i,j ) ±
A i with the production field
P i ,andlet Cn i := Carc (
A i ,
P i ) .
Output each characteristic clause C
Cn i if C belongs to the original production
4. For each clause C
Cn i , check if C
( l ( i,j )) . If so, send C to
A j and let
) .Put i := j .
5. As long as there is a clause to be sent to the parent partition, repeat Steps 3 to 5.
A j := μ (
A j ∪{
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