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operation is introduced along with Resolve and Ancestry operations. With Skip opera-
tion, SOL resolution focuses on deriving only those consequences belonging to the pro-
duction field
. SFK resolution [8] is based on a variant of ordered resolution, which is
enhanced with Skip operation for finding characteristic clauses. SOL resolution is com-
plete for finding Newcarc ( Σ,C,
) by treating an input clause C as the top clause and
derives those consequences relevant to C directly. SOLAR (SOL for Advanced Reason-
ing) [21,22] is a sophisticated deductive reasoning system based on SOL resolution [12]
and the connection tableaux, which avoids producing non-minimal consequences as
well as redundant computation using state-of-the-art pruning techniques. Consequence
enumeration is a strong point of SOLAR as an abductive procedure because it enables
us to compare many different hypotheses [16].
Partition-Based Consequence Finding
This section proposes partition-based consequence finding. We start from a review of
the basic terminology and the message passing algorithm between partitioned knowl-
edge bases in [3], whose basic idea is from Craig's Interpolation Theorem [6,24].
Partitions and Message Passing
= i≤n A i , in which each axiom set
We suppose the whole axiom set
A i ( i
n )
is called a partition . We denote as S (
A i ) the set of (non-logical) symbols appearing in
A i .A graph induced from the partitions i≤n A i is a graph G =( V,E,l ) such that (i)
the set V of nodes are the same as the partitions, that is, i
V iff the partition
A i exists;
(ii) the set E of edges are constructed as E =
( i,j )
S (
A i )
S (
A j )
edge ( i,j )
A j ; and (iii) the mapping
l determines the label l ( i,j ) of each edge ( i,j ) called the communication language
between the partitions
E iff there is a common symbol between
A i and
A j . In partition-based theorem proving by [3], l ( i,j ) is
initially set to the common language of
A i and
A j ) .
The communication language l ( i,j ) is then updated by adding symbols from some
other partitions when cycles are broken (Algorithm 2). In Section 3.3, l ( i,j ) is further
extended by including the language for consequence finding.
Given the partitions i≤n A i and its induced graph G =( V,E,l ) , we now consider
the query Q to be proved in the partition
A i and
A j ,whichis C ( i,j )= S (
A i )
S (
n ). Given a set S of non-logical
symbols, the set of formulas constructed from the symbols in S is denoted as
A k ( k
( S ) .
Definition 1 . For two nodes i,k
V , the length of a shortest path between i and k is
denoted as dist ( i,k ) .Given k ,wedefine i
k j if dist ( i,k ) <dist ( j, k ) .When k is
clear from the context, we simply denote i
j instead of i
k j . For a node i
V ,a
node j
V such that ( i,j )
E and j
k i is called a parent of i (with respect to
k ).
In the ordering
k , the node k is called the root (with respect to
k ), and a node i that
is not a parent of any node is called a leaf (with respect to
k ).
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