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influence the achievement of the agent's desires and intentions negatively or positively.
(Step 4.1) In case the punishment states a prohibition and the state being prohibited is
one of the agent desires or intentions, the punishment will influence negatively since it
will disturb the agent of achieving one of its desires. If it is not the case, the punishment
will not influence. Such step is represented in Algorithm 4 from line 2 to 8. Function
g(n.punishments.DeonticConcept) returns a absolute value indicating the contribution
of the fulfilment of the prohibition to the achievement of the agent's desires and inten-
tions. (Step 4.2) In case the punishment states an obligation and the state being obliged
is one of the agent desires or intentions, the punishment will influence positively (or
neutrally) since such state will already be achieved by the agent. If it is not the case,
the punishment will not influence. Such step is represented in Algorithm 4 from line 9
to 15. Function g(n.punishments.DeonticConcept) returns a value indicating the contri-
bution of the fulfilment of the obligation to the achievement of the agent's desires and
Algorithm 3. Evaluating the fulfilment
Require: Desires base D
Require: Intentions base I
Require: Beliefs base N: norms stored in the beliefs base
1: x = 0
2: if n.DeonticConcept == Obligation then
3: for all din( D ∪ I ) do
4: if n.State == d then
5: x = x + g (n.DeonticConcept, n.State)
6: end if
7: end for
8: end if
9: if n.DeonticConcept == Prohibition then
10: for all din( D ∪ I ) do
11: if n.State == d then
12: x = x - g (n.DeonticConcept, n.State)
13: end if
14: end for
15: end if
16: x = x + r (n.Rewards)
17: return x
Note that it is necessary to individually check the contribution of the fulfilment and
violation of each norm to the achievement of the agent desires (or intentions). Such step
is represented in Algorithm 5 in the lines 2 and 3.
After checking how each norm can contribute to the achievement of the agent's de-
sires and intentions, the function helps the agent on deciding which are the norms that
it should fulfil, i.e., the norms whose contribution coming from its fulfilment is greater
than the contribution coming from its violation. Steps 1, 2 and 3 return the contribution
of the norm if the agent chooses to fulfil it ( Algorithm 3 line 17) and 4.1 and 4.2 return
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