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Data Granulation
The method of granulation is based on maximization of information density from point-
type data. There are hyperboxes created, which cover areas densely populated by data
objects. The hyperboxes (referred as I ) are multi-dimensional structures described by
apairofvalues a and b for every dimension. The point a i and b i represent minimal
and maximal value of the granule in i -th dimension respectively, thus, width of i -th
dimensional edge equals
b i
a i |
Fig. 1. Algorithm of hyperboxes construction
The main steps of the algorithm are presented in Figure 1. Information density can
be expressed by Equation 1:
card ( I )
φ ( width ( I )) ,
σ =
where card ( I ) denotes the number of data points belonging to hyperbox I and φ ( width
( I )) is a function of hyperboxes width described by Equation 2. Belonging to a hyper-
box means, that the values of point attributes are between or equal the minimal and
maximal values of the hyperbox attributes. For that reason there is a necessity to re-
calculate cardinality in every case of forming a new larger granule from a combination
of two granules. Maximization of σ is a problem of balancing the possible shortest
dimensions against the greatest cardinality of formed granule I .
In case of multi-dimensional granules as a function of hyperboxes width the function
from Equation 2 is applied:
φ ( u )=exp( K
( u i )
( u j )) ,i,j =1 ,...,k
where k represents a number of dimensions, u =( u 1 ,u 2 ,...,u k ) and u i = width ([ a i ,
b i ]) for i,j =1 ,...,k . The points a i and b i denote minimal and maximal value in i -th
dimension respectively. Constant K originally equals 2, however, in the experiments
different values of a given as parameter K have been used used.
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