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But the fun had only just begun.
We had barely caught our breath when he whipped his head round.
“This next section is a little tricky so I can't go too slowly - you'll have to hang on!”
he cackled.
Like a bolt out of a crossbow we flew along the top of the track, racing towards the
next stopping point. This section, as well as being muddy, was covered in small boulders
and tree roots which made the car reel crazily from side to side. It was all getting too much.
With heads bobbing up and down and bouncing off the ceiling I shouted at Nicole (normal
tone of speech being impossible over the screech of the labouring engine).
“Please tell him to slow DOWN!
She leaned forward in an attempt to make herself heard and abruptly ended up on my
lap which caused only momentary embarrassment. She issued her instruction breathlessly
but it was all in vain. Even I understood the response.
Pas possible! (Impossible!)”
He had become a man possessed.
It was like having my life pass before me in slow motion. With great clarity I could
see that we were relatively safe from certain death on the left-hand side because the track
bank was at roof height. But on the right-hand side it was practically a sheer drop. We were
probably going to die.
I had become really anxious; we were in the hands of a complete madman whose idea
of how to drive in difficult conditions was based purely on horsepower and speed. Worse
still, we were heading for the furthermost point of his estate. If still alive, we would have
to come back!
As the car lurched on at breakneck speed it tilted even more dangerously towards the
drop with only two wheels on the ground. Giving up all notions of language courtesy, I bel-
lowed in Jack's ear.
“The car's going to roll in a minute, can't you stop him?”
Jack's shouted reply was exactly this: “He seems to think wheelspin is a substitute for
traction, which is a pity, but if we do slide off, the trees will catch us and stop us rolling
down the hill. From the condition of the car I'd say it's probably happened before.”
“How bloody comforting!” I screeched.
After enduring about a kilometre of this, we blasted out of the tree-lined section and
came to rest on a plateau.
“That wasn't so bad was it?” monsieur had the gall to cheerily chant as he turned back
to continue his commentary with Jack.
With my pulse now racing, I hoped we would be allowed sufficient time to regain our
sea-legs before facing the horror of the return journey. I tried to blank out any thoughts of
this by asking about the wildlife. Rallying magnificently, Nicole resumed her estate agent
role and proceeded to reel off a long list of creatures which included a description of mon-
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