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Commenting and Reviewing
One of Acrobat's most powerful features is its ability to display comments on documents that you can add
using a wide variety of tools. Not only does Acrobat provide you with multiple toolbars full of options, but
you can customize and set the default appearance of any tool to meet your needs.
Acrobat 7's ability to enable documents on a file-by-file basis for commenting in Adobe Reader 7 is
revolutionary - effectively extending the program's reach to millions more users.
The Review Tracker introduced in Acrobat 6 has changed its name to the Tracker in Acrobat 7 and
become a separate window from the rest of the program. From this one interface you can initiate, manage,
and participate in reviews, take files offline, and work with associated entities such as RSS feeds and
In this Chapter
Acrobat offers tools and processes to perform communication cycles among two or more review
In this chapter you will discover how to work with the range of commenting tools offered in Acrobat
and how to use a review cycle:
x Commenting tools are split into several toolbars, each designed for different general uses.
x Any comment can be customized when applied to a file, and default appearances specified.
x Acrobat contains a number of specialized viewing tools, often used in conjunction with commenting
and markup tools in AEC projects.
x Comments can be manipulated on the document page, or within the Comments pane.
x Reviews can be initiated using a simple wizard, and tracked and managed through the Tracker.
Commenting Tools
There are several toolbars and subtoolbars in Acrobat containing a wide variety of different types of tool
used for commenting and document markup. The best way for you to understand how the tools work is to
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