Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3. Anna Ursyn, “Human Nature Takes Over” (© 1992, A. Ursyn. Used with permission)
across multiple electronic health record systems.
Lifelines2 comprises three operators Align, Rank,
and Filter; it improves the user performance speed
in understanding of relative temporal relationships
across records such as complaints, diagnoses,
treatments, etc. Wang, Wongsuphasawat, Plaisant,
& Shneiderman (2010) examined the usage data
and user comments on Lifelines2.
Several visual methods have been proposed
to overcome the complexity and scale of mak-
ing medical decisions based on electronic health
records. To support physicians and clinical re-
searchers in interacting with the electronic health
record systems, Rind, Wang, Aigner, Miksch,
Wongsuphasawat, Plaisant, & Shneiderman
(2010) compared twelve information visualiza-
tion systems for exploring and querying elec-
tronic health records in terms of the data types,
multivariate analysis support, number of patients
records, and user intents. The authors concluded
that most systems handle numerical or categori-
cal data but not both, are designed for looking at
a single patient or multiple patients but not both,
utilize horizontal time lines to represent time, and
not always have good support for Filter or address
specific user intents.
Figure 3, “Human Nature Takes Over” tells
about the persistence of human actions in assum-
ing control of harmful microorganisms, plants,
insects, or seaweed. Computer-derived forms such
as programmed plots have been combined with
images of nature presented as a photosilkscreen
and a photolithograph. The concomitance of
disparate media develops the depth of the work
and provides inspiration for further reworking of
the artwork.
Interactive Visualization of Objects
from the Past
Interactive visualization techniques have been
used to recreate the images of and bring into being
physical or virtual reconstructions of historically
significant places. Simulation of works relating
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