Graphics Reference
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Figure 4. Corwin Bell, “Aesthetic Explanation of Motion Picture Making” (©2004. C. Bell. Used with
Table 9.
Your Reaction and Visual Answer: Create Information Visualization
Gather the data from your earlier activities and then make an information visualization project using the data you have collected. Try to pres-
ent information visually, so it will be self explanatory without words. You may want to use data related to your work and/or your interests.
Or, returning to previous text, you may draw a shoe for each size of items you collected and then put shoes of a specific size into a box that
would fit the number of shoes you counted. You may assign colorful circles to specific days of your search, with the size of a circle tell-
ing about the number of glasses of water you drunk that day (information you have gathered earlier). Maybe you prefer to draw images of
muses, avatars, or other individuals to make the names of planets easy to learn and remember; or present visually the temperature changes
as related to people behavior, or clothes they wear any specific day.
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