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In-Depth Information
Transdermal nicotine patches were in-
troduced, for the nicotine replacement
industry coordinated a scientific contro-
versy with the aim of forestalling regula-
tion of their products (for example, Tong
& Glantz, 2007). Smoking bans in many
public areas begin;
In the 1990s the genetic aspects of the to-
bacco addiction have been examined (for
example, Madden et al., 1999). Lawsuits
against cigarette manufacturers and indus-
try organizations followed (The United
States Department of Justice, 1999);
In the 2010s: Smoking in public places is
banned in the United States and many oth-
er countries. People have to keep distance
from the air intake, and are encouraged to
smoke artificial cigarettes. Several social
media websites, such as,
Smokefree Women (http://women.smoke-, and Smokefree Teen (http:// have been installed,
containing information and support. It was
supported with a production of the elec-
tronic cigarettes known as e-cigarettes -
electronic inhalers vaporizing liquid solu-
tion into an aerosol mist, thus simulating
the action of tobacco smoking; e-cigarettes
might contain the same amount of nicotine
as conventional cigarettes.
The 2000s brought research on the effects
of smoking on the female and male infer-
tility , ongoing pregnancy (early rupture
of membranes, placenta complications,
pregnancy outside of the uterus, placen-
tal separation and the premature birth),
and birth defects including future obesity
(Nguyen, 2010). It was stated that both ac-
tive and passive smoking might impact the
fetal growth, both because of the carbon
monoxide and the nicotine content (Fried,
2002). National Cancer Institute (2012) has
been distributing free publications about
cancer that begins in the lung, many times
in connection with smoking. The tobacco
See Table 6 for Your Visual Response.
Table 6.
Your Visual Response: A NO Poster
Create a “Do not smoke” poster: “Adults do not start smoking; children do.” Consider the 2020s: create a poster that would fit the expecta-
tions of the viewers living ten years ahead of us. Would it show drastic image of the lungs with problems caused by smoking? Will smoking
be banned totally and become illegal? Will there be a public discussion of the issue similar to present discussions about marihuana?
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