Graphics Reference
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Figure 3. Anna Ursyn, “Rain,” linocut (© 1982, A. Ursyn. Used with permission)
Figure 4. (a) and (b) Anna Ursyn, “Sailing,” linocut (© 1982, A. Ursyn. Used with permission)
ate single-leaf woodcuts or the series of
woodcuts for topic illustration. Woodcut-
style illustrations, art works, postcards, or t-
shirt design projects can be produced in a
painting or graphic software such as Adobe
Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Painter,
or other software. Some artists choose to
create illustrations by combining woodcut
and digital techniques;
seen as mirror images. Either water or oil-
based inks can be applied with a roller and
then pressed to a fabric or paper. Figure 3
shows an example of linocut technique.
A series of linocuts showing boats (Figure 4)
served later as a starting point for a computer
graphic work “Clean Water Act” (Figure 5),
which was inspired by the growing concern
about our water resources (EPA, 2012):
Can we find many rivers, lakes, and bays
safe enough for swimming, more than forty
years after the Clean Water Act has set up
water quality standards?
Linocut: A variant of woodcut where the
relief surface is cut in linoleum. Design can
be cut with a knife, a V-shaped chisel, or a
gouge. The raised (un-carved) areas will be
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