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Figure 4. Anna Ursyn, “Intended Meaning” (©
2010, A. Ursyn. Used with permission).
the use of the conceptual metaphors information
visualization can be further enhanced by inclu-
sion of the user engagement, aesthetics, and art.
According to Bresciani, Tan, & Eppler (2011),
interactive, real-time knowledge visualization can
improve knowledge sharing, decision-making,
and collaboration in management teams dra-
matically. The use of graphic templates makes
meeting participants more productive in sharing
what they know.
Figure 4, “Intended Meaning” is about com-
munication problems that sometimes may be
alleviated with simple, iconic images that imply
right connotations. A certain meaning has its
home in one person only; others are unaware of
our concepts, so we have to clarify what we mean.
Many times a person involved in an exchange of
ideas repeats words and sentences to emphasize
their meaning and importance. While creating
a visual presentation, a designer may enlarge
the most important image and put it in front of
the picture. In the process of creating this work,
geometric and figurative images resulting from
the algorithms comprise colors, shades, and pat-
terns; they can be zoomed or transformed. Then,
photosilkscreen and photolithograph techniques
provide a new level of color combinations and
the messiness of paint. With the use of software
one can recycle drawings along with generative
shapes and patterns. In a similar way we use the
same words in different sentences. This can be seen
in “Intended Meaning.” The digital factor of the
photosilkscreen and photolithograph techniques
creates even more challenges for contemporary art.
Metaphors derived from concepts in mathemat-
ics, cognitive science, and philosophy may fa-
cilitate assimilating more complicated topics,
especially those related both to art and science,
which can be negotiated easier as abstract concepts.
Such conceptual metaphors may enable visualiza-
tion of abstract concepts, for instance, represent
mathematical equations or geometrical curves and
thus make such concepts visible. One may say
swarm computing, cloud computing, or the design
of the linkage structure of the Web all originate
from biology inspired metaphorical thinking.
Those working on graph visualization or analyses
of many kinds of topological objects may take
advantage of applying the knot theory, a branch
of mathematics that studies knots. Our everyday
experience related to fastening hitches, shoelaces,
or neckties may be inspiring for creating metaphors
of mathematical knots, for example, knots closed
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