HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Realtime Stats - The technology was first used in finance to show stock exchange
information so it's no surprise that the technology is now used more than ever. It's also
highly beneficial to sports, betting and analytics.
Notifications - when something a user is interested in becomes available or changes.
Activity Streams - streams of friend or project activity. This is commonly seen in apps
like Twitter, Facebook, Trello, Quora and many more.
Chat - the 101 or real-time Web technology but still a very valuable function. It helps
delivery instant interaction between friends, work colleagues, customers and customer
service etc.
Collaboration - Google docs offers this kind of functionality within its docs,
spreadsheets and drawing applications and we're going to see similar use cases in many
more applications.
Multiplayer Games - The ability to instantly deliver player moves, game state changes
and score updates is clearly important to multiplayer gaming.
In the rest of this tutorial I'll cover building a basic blog commenting system, how to
progressively enhance it using jQuery and finally I'll also progressively enhance it using the
real-time Web service I work for, Pusher, which will demonstrate not just how easy it can be to
use real-time Web technology, but also the value and increased engagement that a real-time
factor can introduce.
Creating Generic Blog Commenting System
I want to focus on adding real-time commenting to a blog post so let's start from a template 8 .
This template re-uses the HTML5 layout defined in the post on Coding An HTML 5 Layout
From Scratch and the file structure we'll start with is as follows (with some additions that we
don't need to worry about at the moment):
css (dir) (incl. global-forms.css , main.css , reset.css
images (dir)
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