HTML and CSS Reference
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Build the text to identify a channel name for the submitted comment.
Trigger a new_comment event on the channel with the $added data. Note: The library
automatically converts the $added array variable to JSON to be sent through Pusher.
Therefore the full post_comment.php file ends up looking as follows:
require ( 'Persistence.php' );
require ( 'squeeks-Pusher-PHP/lib/Pusher.php' );
require ( 'pusher_config.php' );
$ajax = ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' ] === 'XMLHttpRequest' );
$db = new Persistence ();
$added = $db -& gt ; add_comment ( $_POST );
if ( $added ) {
$channel_name = 'comments-' . $added [ 'comment_post_ID' ];
$event_name = 'new_comment' ;
$pusher = new Pusher ( APP_KEY , APP_SECRET , APP_ID );
$pusher -& gt ; trigger ( $channel_name , $event_name , $added );
if ( $ajax ) {
sendAjaxResponse ( $added );
else {
sendStandardResponse ( $added );
function sendAjaxResponse ( $added ) {
header ( "Content-Type: application/json" );
if ( $added ) {
header ( 'Status: 201' );
echo ( json_encode ( $added ) );
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