Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
yur is the y coordinate of the upper right corner of the graphic. The
units are in points (there are 72 points per inch and 2.54 centimetres per
inch). For example a bounding box specification of:
100 100 172 172
would refer to a graphic occupying a one-inch square that is 100 points
from the bottom left-hand corner of the page.
Software to include Encapsulated PostScript graphics uses the
bounding box to correctly position the graphic on the screen.
L A T E X: Version 2e
The inclusion of Encapsulated PostScript files in L A T E X2e docu-
ments is fully described in Using EPS Graphics in L A T E X2e Docu-
ments , by Keith Reckdahl, available via FTP as from andfromothersitesofthe
Comprehensive T E X Archive Network (ctan) on the Internet. Reck-
dahl's article gives a very thorough description of importing EPS graph-
ics, and associated L A T E X commands. The standard technique is to
use the graphicx package, which implements the \includegraphics '
command and options. (A description of the graphicx package can be
found in Packages in the “graphics” bundle , by David Carlisle, avail-
ableas or grfguide.tex from
tex-archive/macros/latex/packages/graphics/ andfromother
ctan sites. The following is a summary of these two articles.
To include a matlab Encapsulated PostScript file (or any other stan-
dard Encapsulated PostScript file) in L A T E X2e you can use the com-
The graphic will be included at its natural size. The .eps extension
can be left out of the file specification, and full path names are allowed.
Usually you do not want the graphic to appear at its natural size; you
will want to scale it so that its width is fixed at some value and its height
is scaled proportionally. To do this, use commands such as these:
\includegraphics[width = 4cm]{file} (width is 4 cm)
\includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{file} (width is the same
as the text)
\includegraphics[width = 0.5\textwidth]{file} (width is half
the width of the text)
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