Graphics Programs Reference
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These commands change special Text objects that are associated with
the Axes object:
>> yl = get(gca,'ylabel');
>> get(yl,'String')
ans =
y axis
>> set(yl,'Rotation',0)
>> pos = get(yl,'pos');
>> set(yl,'pos',[0.35 3])
To be friendly to the viewers of your graphs, you should always place
your y labels horizontally. Multi-line labels can be done easily using cell
>> str = {'The answer is below:';
['It is ' num2str(pi)]}
str =
'The answer is below:'
'It is 3.1416'
>> title(str)
33 Text in Graphics
The commands xlabel , ylabel , zlabel , and title are used to put text
in special places around the plot. A general way to place text is to use
text commands:
x = 0:.01:2;
axis tight
[ym,i] = max(humps(x));
str = ['Maximum value: ' ...
The first two inputs to text define the x and y coordinates of the text's
reference point. (The gtext command allows you to define the reference
point with the mouse.) You can give a third, z -value, to the text com-
mand to place text on three-dimensional plots. Issuing text commands
creates Text objects, which have a great many properties (type get(h) ,
where h is the handle of a Text object). Often you want to change the
way the text is aligned to its reference point. By default, text is hori-
zontally aligned such that the left-hand edge is near the reference point,
and vertically aligned such that the middle of the text is near the refer-
ence point. The following diagrams show the effect of changing a Text
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