Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Built Capital
Built capital includes the buildings, infrastructure (roads, bridges, sewers),
and other physical features (railroad tracks, vacant land) in the community.
Affordable housing has been a major concern among CBOs, particularly in
low-income communities. Single room occupancy housing (SRO's), one
source of affordable housing, has been on the verge of being converted to
condos in Chicago . GIS students helped Lakeview Action Coalition locate
SROs and other affordable housing stocks using GIS mapping (Cameron et al.,
2013). Figure 3 shows where SROs are located, and in what wards they are
concentrated in the North Side of Chicago. CBOs can use this kind of map to
protest against market pressure that would potentially displace low-income
populations and to determine where to focus their organizing efforts.
Figure 4. Bike infrastructure in Little Village, Chicago as of October 2010.
Driving is a predominant way of getting around in Little Village, Chicago.
In the process of a grant application, Enlace Chicago surveyed the
transportation infrastructure and traffic patterns by different modes of
transportation in Little Village. They used GIS to demonstrate the need for
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