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With the greatest number of customers, Company A has the longest
collection times on each of the four days. One positive is their large hauler,
thus reducing trips to the transfer station. On two occasions (Tuesday and
Wednesday), they violate the 10-hour collection time and would need a
minimum of two trucks to complete their route in the allotted time. With the
exception of Tuesday and Wednesday, Company A does not travel the longest
distances. Company K, with only 175 households, covers the longest distance
of 135.6 miles on Monday.
A combination of a mini hauler and lengthy distance from transfer station
not only results in a long total travel distance but a collection time of
approximately 6 hours and 24 minutes for 175 households. Company D covers
the longest distance of 89.6 miles on Thursday. This is a result of the large
number of households they serve and their mid-size hauler. Other companies
require a lesser amount of time to complete their routes- 8 to 9 companies
finish within 2 hours. Companies F and G finish in less than an hour. Multiple
companies make one trip to the transfer station with a truck that does not once
reach capacity.
When interpreting results, Company I is an anomaly because its
headquarters are approximately 65 miles (1 hour 20 minutes) from the City of
Altoona. This time and distance is part of their total solid waste collection time
and travel distance. One wonders why a company with less than three percent
of customers travels such a distance to collect solid waste. The freedom to
choose system virtually allows anyone to collect in the city if they follow a
few regulations.
4.2. Scenario 2
Results for Scenario 2 are very similar to current collectionwith the
greatest number of miles traveled on Monday and longest collection time on
Wednesday (Table 3).
However, the design of controlled collection has greatly reduced miles
travel and collection time for all four collection days. The combined total
distance traveled on all four collection days decreased from 4,017.3 miles to
1,173.6 miles, a 70 percent decrease. Thursday collection in Juniata has the
largest decrease in miles traveled with a 73.8 percent reduction (820.7 miles to
215.1 miles). The combined total collection time for all four collection days
decreased 44 percent from 282 hours and 32 minutes to 156 hours and 2
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