Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
A. V. Mikheeva and An. G. Marchuk
The ENDDB system has acquired new applications as it processes satellite
gravity and high-resolution topography survey remote sensing data. This
allows verifying recently found diagnostic morphological elements of impact
structures and revealing geomorphic patterns of seismic structures, using the
respective EISC [1] and earthquake catalogs. With our complete global catalog
EISC [1], one can identify typical persistent elements of impact structures,
compare them, and estimate their diagnostic validity.
ENDDB System: Main Features and Geoinformation
The subject database of the ENDDB system is a combination of the EISC
catalog and seismological data of more than 60 earthquake catalogs.
Mathematical methods of catalog studies from GIS EEDB allow visualizing
samples of the EISC catalog in a pseudo-3D background map according to the
legend, or in the map scale.
ENDDB uses the NASA ASTER GDEM data arrays to obtain a high-
resolution (1 arc-second) shaded relief model, as well as the digital mapping
technology, which consists in shading surface points according to their
brightness controlled by the illumination angle. A special technique has been
developed to add fragments of ASTER GDEM open-file data into the ENDDB
environment. This special operation is necessary because simple introducing
of a single global file with high-resolution topographic data into ENDDB
would be unfeasible (the system size of such file should be 1.62*10 12 bytes).
Incorporating the high-resolution data for an area of impact or seismic
structures takes only a few minutes and consists in downloading the selected
geographic area files from Internet (or Archive), converting their raw formats
to ASCII by Global Map , with subsequent conversion of the ASCII file to the
ENDDB format using a specially designed converter and the corresponding
changes in the text file describing the external arrays. Besides these
incorporated fragments, ENDDB stores elevation data of the same resolution
as in EEDB (see above).
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