Geography Reference
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The geographic subsystem of ENDDB, which is an extension of the
previous geographic shell [22], comprises the following components:
primary geographic data;
set of algorithms and processing software modules;
map visualization software;
tools for forming and implementing spatial queries.
Methods of digital mapping and GIS technology have made it possible to
create a system for selecting and visualizing geophysical data on a
cartographic base, which serves as a tablet (in our case, in the rectangular
projection for plotting data of catalogs and other related data). Description of
the methods is given below (Part 1).
The main problem in cartographic modeling of the Earth's surface
topography is to choose the simplest and most appropriate way of populating
the Geographic Database. Mapping in our system is performed using a grid
digital elevation model. The initial region choice is made from an overview
World map stored in the memory, in a rectangular projection. Once the
elevation map, the shoreline contours, and the default geographic layers appear
in the window, the region can be selected using the inverse frame (Figure 2).
Currently, the total volume of the auto-generated and author's program
code (2/3 created by Anna Mikheeva) of GIS-ENDDB is about 23 MB and
consists of ~ 240 classes.
The program product GIS-ENDDB can be installed on any computer from
the original media based on Win32 and 64-bit platforms (including Windows
95, 98, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010 NT/XP, and Windows 7 & 8) and requires
approximately 4 GB of memory on a hard disk.
P. G. Dyadkov, A. V. Mikheeva and An. G. Marchuk
The EEDB interactive computing system [3] was developed by the authors
for seismic and geodynamic applications and can be considered as an
automated workstation for users engaged in seismic and geodynamic research
of different geographic areas on different scales. The EEDB flow chart [24]
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