Hardware Reference
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Upgrading Software
In addition to installing and uninstalling packages, apt can be used to keep them up to date.
Upgrading a package through apt ensures that you've received the latest updates, bug ixes
and security patches.
Before trying to upgrade a package, make sure the apt cache is as fresh as possible by run-
ning an update:
sudo apt-get update
When upgrading software, you have two choices: you can upgrade everything on the system
at once or upgrade individual programs. If you just want to keep your distribution updated,
the former is achieved by typing the following:
sudo apt-get upgrade
To upgrade an individual package, simply tell apt to install it again. For example, to install a
thrust upgrade, you would type this:
sudo apt-get install thrust
If the package is already installed, apt will treat it as an in-place upgrade. If you're already
running the latest version available, apt will simply tell you it cannot upgrade the software
and exit.
For more information on package management with apt —in particular, how certain packages
can be “kept back” and excluded from upgrades—type man apt at the terminal.
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