Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
A full copy of the program listing for the IRC user list is included in Appendix A, “Python
Recipes”, and on the Raspberry Pi User Guide website at http://www.wiley.com/go/
raspberrypiuserguide . Downloading the source code from the website will save you
some typing, but entering the code by hand is a good way of ensuring that you understand
what each section does.
Further Reading
Hopefully, this chapter has given you a taste of what you can do with Python. It's far from
exhaustive—to do the language full justice would take a considerably larger topic. However,
there are plenty of resources out there for learning more about the Python language, includ-
ing the following:
he oicial Beginner's Guide to Python , which you can access at http://wiki.
python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide .
A free, interactive tutorial that runs entirely in your browser is available for download
at http://www.learnpython.org/ .
Zed A. Shaw's Learn Python he Hard Way (Shavian Publishing, 2012) ofers great
insight into best-practice coding for Python, and despite the name, it's suitable for
beginners. his topic is commercially available, or you can read it for free at http://
learnpythonthehardway.org/ .
Although somewhat outdated and since replaced by Dive Into Python 3 (APRESS, 2009),
Dive Into Python by Mark Pilgrim (APRESS, 2004) does a good job of addressing the
basics of writing programs in Python. It's available for free download at http://www
.diveintopython.net/ or for purchase in printed format from all good booksellers.
If you prefer hands-on learning with other interested individuals, a list of local Python
User Groups—sometimes called PIGgies—can be found at http://wiki.python.
org/moin/LocalUserGroups .
For learning pygame, Al Sweigart's topic Making Games with Python & Pygame
(CreateSpace, 2012) is a great introduction with practical examples. You can purchase
the hardcopy topic or downloaded it for free at http://inventwithpython.com/ .
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