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his small line actually achieves quite a lot. he irst part, userName = , tells Python to cre-
ate a new variable —a location for storing a piece of information—called userName . he
equals symbol tells Python that the variable should be set to whatever follows. However, in
this case what follows isn't just a piece of information, but another command: raw_input .
his is a tool designed to accept string (text) input from the keyboard, and allows for a mes-
sage to be printed to the default output so the user knows what to type. his helps keep the
program simple—without the ability to print a prompt telling the user what to type, a sec-
ond line with a print command would be required. Remember to leave a space at the end of
the prompt; otherwise, the user's input will begin immediately after the question mark.
When asking the user to type in text, always use raw_input . This provides security that the
input command alone does not—if you just use input , a user may inject his or her own code
into your program and have it crash or work contrary to your intentions.
With the user's name now stored safely in the userName variable, the program can begin to
get clever. Welcome the user using the following line:
print “Welcome to the program,”, userName
his line demonstrates a secondary function of the print command introduced in Example
1: the ability to print out the contents of variables. his print command is split into two:
the irst section prints everything between the two quotation marks, and the comma tells
print that more should be printed to the same line. Simply typing the variable name user-
Name is enough for Python to know that it should print the contents of that variable, result-
ing in a message customised to the user's own name.
An easy way to achieve neat formatting when printing output is to use the .format instruction
at the end of a print command. If you're using .format , the print line could be as follows
print “Welcome, {0}, to this program.”.format(userName)
his example program is going to take the form of a simple but friendly calculator. Unlike
Example 1, it will continue to run until the user tells it otherwise. his is achieved using a
loop, just as in Scratch. Begin the loop by typing the following two lines:
goAgain = 1
while goAgain == 1:
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