Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
By default, iles for the web server are stored in the /var/www folder, which is writeable only
by the root user. To adjust where Apache looks for its iles—to move the website onto more
capacious external storage, for example—edit the text ile 000-default found in the folder
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled . For more information on coniguring Apache, PHP and
MySQL, type the following commands at the terminal or console:
man apache2
man php5
man mysql
Installing WordPress
One of the most popular blogging platforms around, WordPress is an open-source project
that aims to give users a simple yet powerful platform to create attractive, interactive web-
sites. WordPress is built on a base of PHP and Javascript, and ofers an attractive web-based
interface for creating rich websites. For example, some of the most popular news sites in the
world are built on a customised WordPress platform.
To install WordPress on the Raspberry Pi, type the following command at the terminal or
sudo apt-get install wordpress
Like the LAMP stack, WordPress comes with a selection of dependencies (see Figure 9-5).
You'll need to make sure you have around 37 MB of free space on the Pi's SD card for the full
installation, in addition to the 113 MB required for the LAMP stack. If you have enough free
space, type Y to continue the installation process.
When WordPress has inished installing, its default installation directory— /usr/share/
wordpress —needs to be linked into the /var/www directory in order for Apache to see the
iles. Type the following command at the terminal:
sudo ln -s /usr/share/wordpress /var/www/wordpress
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