Environmental Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 3.2 A small sample of two Quickbird images over L'Aquila in central Italy: (a) and (b) multitemporal VHR optical
dataset over the city centre; (c) change detection through post-classification comparison of the pixels belonging to the
''building'' class.
Geodesic dilation. The geodesic dilation of size 1 of themarker
image X with respect to amask image Y with the same domain,
and such as X Y ,isdefinedasthepoint-wiseminimum
between the mask and the elementary dilation of the marker:
ε B ( X )
B x
Dilation. The dilation of a set X by a structuring element B
is defined as the locus of points x such that B hits X when its
origin coincides with x :
δ (1 Y ( X )
= δ (1) ( X )
δ B ( X )
B x
Geodesic erosion. The geodesic erosion is the dual transforma-
tion of geodesic dilationwith respect to set complementation:
Morphological transformations involve combinations of one
input image with specific structuring elements (or SEs). The
approach for geodesic transformations is to consider two input
images, so that a morphological transformation is applied to
the first image, which must remain greater or lower than the
second one.
ε Y ( X ) = ε (1) ( X ) Y
Reconstruction by dilation. The reconstruction by dilation of
amaskimage Y from a marker image X is defined as the
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