Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Urban environmental analyses can help understand the status, trends, and threats in urban areas so that appropriate management
actions can be planed and implemented. Part V (Chs 17 - 21) reviews some latest developments in the synergistic use of remote sensing
and relevant geospatial techniques for urban environmental analyses. Chapter 17 details a remote sensing approach to high-resolution
urban impervious surface mapping. This topic is included as part of urban environmental analyses because landscape imperviousness
has recently emerged as a key indicator being used to address a variety of urban environmental issues. Chapter 18 examines the impact
of different remote sensing methods for characterizing the distribution of impervious surfaces on runoff estimation and how this can
affect the assessment of peak discharges in an urbanized watershed. Chapter 19 reviews the light-use efficiency models and applies
them to estimate gross primary production in the eastern United States that was associated with various settlement densities. Chapter
20 discusses the utilities of remote sensing for characterizing biodiversity in urban areas, how urbanization affects biodiversity, and
how remote sensing-based biodiversity research can be integrated with urban planning for biodiversityconservation.Thelastchapter
(Ch. 21) in Part V discusses how remote sensing can be used to study the influence of urban land use/cover changes on urban
meteorology, climate and air quality.
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