Environmental Engineering Reference
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7 Refine the rule set, if necessary.
8 Reclassify (if not unsatisfactory, develop a new strategy).
9 Apply the best rule set to the entire dataset.
10 Classify the entire image.
11 Export results.
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The same strategy should also be considered for the clas-
sification with nearest neighbor classifier. However, the results
obtained from testing data (small subsets) should be consid-
ered to provide general guidance for implementing the nearest
neighbor classifier. One still needs to select object training sam-
ples when using the entire dataset. The classification accuracy
is greatly influenced by the selection of training samples. It is
important that one selects as many spectrally distinct training
Our experience with Definiens/eCognition software package
is that some objects that appear visually similar and belong to
two different classes may still be identified separately and accu-
rately by selecting many different types of training samples from
within problem areas. This may stem for the Definiens classifiers
being based on non-parametric rules that are independent of a
normal distribution. The object-oriented approach allows addi-
tional selection or modification of new training samples (training
objects) after multiple iterations of a nearest neighbor classifi-
cation, until a satisfactory result is obtained. There are many
possible combinations of functions, parameters, object scale lev-
els, features, and variables available with the object-oriented
approach. The successful use of nearest neighbor classifier in
the object-based paradigm largely relies on repeatedly modifying
training objects as a trial-and-error approach. Nonetheless, the
object-based classification approach seems to be very effective at
classifying urban LULC categories, especially when based on fine
spatial resolution multispectral imagery.
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