Environmental Engineering Reference
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TABLE 7.1 List of some commonly-used neural network types in machine learning.
Brief description a
Network types
Multilayer feed-forward perceptron
They comprise an input-hidden-output layered structure, and the input signal
propagates through the network in a forward direction. They are the most
widely used networks.
Radial basis function networks
They use radial basis functions to replace the sigmoidal hidden layer transfer
function in multilayer perceptrons, thus transferring the design of a neural
network as a curve-fitting problem in a high-dimensional space.
Self-organizing networks
They use a supervised or an unsupervised learning method to transform an
input signal pattern of arbitrary dimension into a lower dimensional (usually
one or two dimensional) space with topological information preserved as
much as possible.
Adaptive resonance theory (ART)
They provide the functionality for creating and using a supervised or un
unsupervised neural network based on the Adaptive Resonance Theory.
Recurrent network (e.g., Hopfield
Contrary to feed-forward networks, recurrent neural networks use
bi-directional data flow and propagate data from later processing stages
to earlier stages.
Modular neural networks (e.g.,
Committee of machine)
They use several small networks that cooperate or compete to solve
Stochastic neural networks (e.g.,
Boltzmann machine)
This type of networks introduces random variations, often viewed as a form
of statistical sampling, into the networks.
Dynamic neural networks
They not only deal with non-linear multivariate behavior, but also include
learning of time-dependent behavior.
Neuro-fuzzy networks
They are a fuzzy inference system in the body which introduces the
processes such as fuzzification, inference, aggregation and defuzzification
into a neural network.
a Detailed discussions on these neural network types are given elsewhere (e.g., Bishop,1995; Haykin, 1999; Duda, Hart and Stork, 2001).
Neuron or
Element (PE)
Weighted link
Output Layer
Input Layer
Hidden Layers
FIGURE 7.1 A fully-connected multilayer perceptron (MLP) neutral network with a 4 × 5 × 4 × 2 structure. This is a feed-
forward architecture. Data flow starts from the neurons in the input layer and moves along weighted links to neurons in the
hidden layers for processing. Each hidden or output neuron contains a linear discriminant function that combines information
from all neurons in the preceding layers. The output layer is a complex function of inputs and internal network transformations.
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