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Since our method is a data-driven approach, we attempt the
reconstructed building models to approximate the given point
clouds the best. Compared to the model-driven methods, the
data-driven approach is more flexible. While the building model
reconstructed using the model-driven method is restricted by
a predefined catalog of buildings or building parts, a data-
driven approach requires more flexible assumptions. A typical
assumption in this study is that buildings can be modeled by
a composition of planar surfaces. However, this might be a
restriction, considering curved roof structures.
In our case study, due to the complexity and diversity of
natural and man-made objects in urban areas, manual input is
required in the classification stage, which reduces the automation
level. Another disadvantage is that those buildings partially cov-
ered by trees cannot be reconstructed completely and correctly
due to the failure of the roof detection, even these building areas
had been classified correctly. Finally, this study assumes a build-
ing as a rectangular-shaped object only. Further investigations
on methods for dealing with non-rectangular-shaped buildings
are needed. Nevertheless, the results met the requirement of
being accurate and reliable. Subsequent processing like texture
mapping is possible. The resulting models are well structured
and topologically correct and are, therefore, directly applicable
for 3D urban visualization.
In addition, for those applications requiring realistic 3D
city models, reconstructing photorealistic building facade mod-
els should be applied. This can be done from terrestrial laser
point clouds and close-range images. Considering quick cre-
ation of such building facade models in a large urban area, a
vehicle-borne mobile lidar mapping system would be an effec-
tive means for fast collection of terrestrial lidar point clouds
along with color digital camera images of the roadside build-
ings. Moreover, accurate fusion of the point clouds acquired
by both airborne and terrestrial mobile lidar mapping systems
would open a new avenue to reconstruction of realistic 3D
city models.
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