Java Reference
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var result = max - random.nextFloat()*max*2;
return result;
public function simplifyGradients(node:Node):Void{
if (node instanceof Shape){
var shape = node as Shape;
if (shape.fill instanceof LinearGradient){
var linearGradient = (shape.fill as LinearGradient);
if (sizeof(linearGradient.stops) > 2){
var newStops:Stop[];
insert linearGradient.stops[0] into newStops;
insert linearGradient.stops[sizeof(linearGradient.stops)-1] into newStops;
var newGradient = LinearGradient{
endX: linearGradient.endX
endY: linearGradient.endY
proportional: linearGradient.proportional;
startX: linearGradient.startX
startY: linearGradient.startY
stops: newStops;
shape.fill = newGradient;
if (node instanceof Group){
for(n in (node as Group).content){
In Listing 11-1 the variables startScreen and aboutScreen are instances of GameAssetsUI . Each
GameAssetsUI is a complete set of Nodes from the original Illustrator file. The functions initStartScreen
and initAboutScreen prepare startScreen and aboutScreen for use in the game. The function
initStartScreen simplifies the gradients, creates an animation for the spotlight, removes a number of
unwanted Nodes and turns the Nodes startScreen.startButton and startScreen.aboutButton into
buttons. Let's take a look at each of these steps.
The gradients generated when exporting from Illustrator are oddly complex. Listing 11-2 shows one
of these gradients.
Listing 11-2. GameAssets.fxz (partial)
SVGPath {
id: "floor"
fill: LinearGradient{proportional: false startX: 320.31 startY:385.22 endX: 320.31
endY: 480.00 stops: [
Stop {offset: 0.005 color: Color.rgb(0x5e,0x43,0x19)},
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