Java Reference
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Group and the particles are children of that Group . But for this example, that arrangement is not ideal.
Since all bodies in the simulation have coordinates in the same coordinate space, it makes sense to keep
all Nodes in a Group that is located at 0.0. This allows the coordinates of each node to be exactly the same
as their corresponding body.
Keeping all of the particles in a single Group has another advantage: It allows particles from different
Emitters to be blended together. This is done in the code in Listing 10-1 by setting the blendMode of the
Group particles to Add . The Nodes that represent the StaticBodies are stored in the Group obstacles , so
they are not included in the blend effect.
Listing 10-1 shows that a World object is created and animated by the Timeline worldUpdater . Bodies
are added and removed from the world with the functions addWorldNode and removeWorldNode . The two
functions also manage which Groups are used for a particular WorldBody .
The function addEmitter is used to keep track of all running emitters in the scene so that they can
be stopped and removed by a call to removeEmitter . The function clear resets the scene for a new
example to be displayed.
Looking back at the function sparks we can see that a number of Pegs are added. Listing 10-2 shows
the implementation of Peg .
Listing 10-2. Peg.fx
public class Peg extends WorldNode, Circle{
bodies[0] = new StaticBody(new net.phys2d.raw.shapes.Circle(radius));
bodies[0].setPosition(translateX, translateY);
fill = Color.GRAY;
public override function update():Void{
//static bodies do not move
In Listing 10-2 we see the class Peg , which simply creates a circular StaticBody at the same location
as the Peg . Peg extends Circle , so the graphical representation of the StaticBody is taken care of.
Besides the Pegs , a SparkEmitter is involved in this example, as it is the class that creates the falling
sparks from Figure 10-1. Listing 10-3 shows the implementation.
Listing 10-3. SparkEmitter
public class SparkEmitter extends Emitter{
public var x:Number;
public var y:Number;
var cloudTimeline:Timeline = Timeline{
repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE;
keyFrames: KeyFrame{
time: 1/5.0*1s;
action: emitCloud;
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