Java Reference
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insert arcs into content;
public override function update():Void{
translateX = bodies[0].getPosition().getX();
translateY = bodies[0].getPosition().getY();
arcs.rotate = Math.toDegrees(bodies[0].getRotation());
Listing 6-4. Wall.fx
public class Wall extends Group, WorldNode{
public var width:Number;
public var height:Number;
var rectangle = Rectangle{
width: width;
height: height;
translateX: width/-2.0;
translateY: height/-2.0;
fill: Color.RED
effect = lighting;
var shape = new net.phys2d.raw.shapes.Box(width,height);
bodies[0] = new StaticBody(shape);
bodies[0].setPosition(translateX, translateY);
insert rectangle into content;
public override function update():Void{
//do nothing, walls don't move.
The class Ball shown in Listing 6-3 implements the classes Group and WorldNode . In this way,
instances of Ball will contain both the Phys2D representation and the JavaFX representation of a ball.
( WorldNode is shown in Listing 6-2.) As you can see in the init function of Ball , two Arcs are used to
represent a ball; we use two arcs of different color instead of a JavaFX Circle so rotation can be seen. A
Body is also created with the shape of a circle, with the same radius as the two arcs. Phys2D has its own
representation of shapes outside of JavaFX, so some work must be done to coordinate the two different
APIs. The update method of Ball shows how the location of the Ball in the scene is updated based on the
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