Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
1.  SuMMAry 
A large variety of nanobuilding blocks are available and have
commanded the attention of chemists and materials scientists. Initial
proof-of-concept studies focused on developing chemical modification
strategies. Bioconjugation chemistries that allow for site-selective
covalent modification have been adapted to VNPs (discussed in Chapter 4).
Further selective entrapment and encapsulation techniques have been
developed (see Chapter 5). A broad range of mineralization and metal
deposition techniques have also been applied (see Chapter 6). With all
these modification protocols in hand, research has moved toward the
development of functional devices. Today VNPs are utilized for manifold
applications that range from materials (described in Chapters 4 to 7) to
biomedicine (discussed in Chapter 8).
Viral nanotechnology is a young discipline just emerging from its
infancy. It is an intriguing field with wide-ranging opportunities. It is an
exciting time to be working at the virus-chemistry interface!
Awram, P., Gardner, R. C., Forster, R. L., and Bellamy, A. R. (2002) The potential of plant
viral vectors and transgenic plants for subunit vaccine production,
Adv. Virus Res.
Canizares, M. C., Nicholson, L., and Lomonossoff, G. P. (2005) Use of viral vectors for
vaccine production in plants,
(3), 263-270.
Clark, J. R., March, and J. B. (2006) Bacteriophages and biotechnology: vaccines, gene
therapy and antibacterials,
Immunol. Cell Biol.
(5), 212-218.
Douglas, T., Strable, E., and Willits, D. (2002) Protein engineering of a viral cage for
constrained material synthesis,
Trends Biotechnol.
, 415-418.
Douglas, T., and Young, M. (1998) Host-guest encapsulation of materials by assembled
virus protein cages,
Adv. Mater.
, 152-155.
Douglas, T., and Young, M. (1999) Virus particles as templates for material synthesis,
Adv. Mater.
, 679-681.
Johnson, J., Lin, T., and Lomonossoff, G. (1997) Presentation of heterologous peptides
on plant viruses: genetics, structure, and function,
, 67-86.
Kuncicky, D. M., Naik, R. R., and Velev, O. D. (2006) Rapid deposition and long-range
alignment of nanocoatings and arrays of electrically conductive wires from Tobacco
mosaic virus, .
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol.,
(12), 1462-1466.
Lee, S. W., Woods, B. W., and Belcher, A. M. (2003) Chiral smectic C structures of virus-
based film,
, 1592-1598.
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