Game Development Reference
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Engage thrusters
Now, we are ready to create the PlayerController_2D script. Let's get started:
1. First, go to Assets | Create | Javascript (for Unity JavaScript developers) or As-
sets | Create | C# Script (for C# developers) and name our script as Player-
Controller_2D .
2. Double-click on the script; it will open the MonoDevelop window.
3. Now, we will see three windows in the MonoDevelop screen:
◦ On the top-left is Solution ; we can see our project folder here, but it will
only show the folder that contains a script
◦ On the bottom-left, we will see a Document Outline ; this window will
show all the functions, classes, and parameters in the file
◦ The last window on the right will be used to type our code
4. Let's get our hands dirty with some code—first start with defining the following
functions to initialize the variables: the Awake() and Start() function.
Awake ()
Awake () is called when the script instance is being loaded. It used to initialize
any variable or game state before calling the Start() function. In the Awake()
function, we usually put any GetComponent() or Find() object function,
which will make it easier to set up all the parameters during Start() .
5. We need to remove the autogenerated code and replace it with the following code:
// Unity JavaScript user:
#pragma strict
@script RequireComponent(AudioSource)
@script RequireComponent(BoxCollider2D)
@script RequireComponent(Rigidbody2D)
// Distance from the character position to the ground
private final var RAYCAST_DISTANCE : float = 0.58f;
// This number should be between 0.35 to 0.49
private final var CHARACTER_EDGE_OFFSET : float =
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