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Let's create the ServerHiScore script first using the following steps:
1. Navigate to Chapter8 | Scripts | C# | Hiscore (for C# users) or Chapter8 |
Scripts | Javascript | Hiscore (for Unity JavaScript users) and right-click and go
to Create | C# Script (for C# users) or Create | Javascript . Name it Server-
Hiscore and double-click to open the ServerHiscore file.
2. First, we will start coding at the beginning of the ServerHiscore script, as
shown in the following code:
//Unity JavaScript user:
#pragma strict
class ServerHiscore extends Hiscore
private var _wwwForm : WWWForm;
private var _isLoaded : boolean;
private var _phpUrl : String;
function get isLoaded () : boolean {
return _isLoaded;
function Initialize ( maxUser : int , phpUrl :
String ) {
_phpUrl = phpUrl;
// C# user:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ServerHiscore : Hiscore
public delegate void CallBackFunction ( string data
WWWForm _wwwForm;
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