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Objective complete - mini debriefing
In this section, we basically just created the XMLParser script to parse the XML string
that we loaded from the server, and then we stored the user's data in this class to use it at a
later stage.
First, we used the static keyword for this class because we wanted it to be accessible
from the entire project. Then, we created the XmlDocument and XmlNode parameters to
hold the XML data that we want to parse. Then, we had the array of UserData to contain
all the user data. The last parameter is to store the length of the users that we have got from
the XML data.
Next, we created the Parse(string xml) function. In this function, we created Xm-
lDocument and then loaded the XML string data of this document using
_ doc.LoadXml(xml) to load the string XML that we pass from the server. Then, we get
XmlNode from the last child of XmlDocument as follows:
_root = _doc.LastChild;
We used LastChild() because we wanted to skip the first node, which is the headlineof
the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> XML file. Next, we checked
if the _root node has a child node or not. If it has, we get the length of this child node.
Then, we created the array of UserData to store username and score data.
Next, we looped through the child node, got the name and score from the XML attribute,
set it to the UserData object, and then we added the data to the array of UserData .
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