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Now, we can start creating the XMLParser script using the following steps:
1. We will navigate to Chapter8 | Scripts | C# | Hiscore (for C# users) or Chapter8 |
Scripts | Javascript | Hiscore (for Unity JavaScript users), and right-click and go
to Create | C# Script (for C# users) or Create | Javascript . We will name it
XMLParser and double-click on it to open the XMLParser file.
2. First, we will start coding at the beginning of the XMLParser script, as shown in
the following code:
// Unity JavaScript user:
#pragma strict
import System.Xml;
// C# user:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
We added using System.Xml , and import System.Xml allows us to ac-
cess the System.Xml library in the .NET framework.
3. Next, we will create the XMLParser class as the static class, which allows us to
access the method of this class directly without creating a new XMLParser object
and all the necessary variables. Let's add the following code:
// Unity JavaScript user:
public static class XMLParser {
private var _doc : XmlDocument;
private var _root : XmlNode;
private var _users : UserData[];
private var _userLength : int;
public function get users() : UserData[] {
return _users;
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