Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 8. Let the World See the Carnage
- Saving and Loading High Scores
The high score is the highest logged point value, which is used to show how well the play-
ers do in the game. Many a times, a game will have a list of several high scores called the
high score table, which shows a list of scores that each player gets when playing the game.
During the era of arcade games or some current puzzle games that involve endless cycles
of continuous gameplay, scores had a much greater relevance in giving the player the re-
playable value and the feeling of achievement.
Why do we need to save the high score? The advantage of the high score is to keep a re-
cord of the players and how well they progress each time they play the game. It also creates
a challenge for the players to beat their record and keep playing the game again. There are
some games such as Journey that don't need the high scores. However, for most online
games, the high score is very important to let the players see their progress and compare it
with that of their friends or other players.
We can save the high scores on the player's local machine or use the database and keep it
on the web server. In most case, we will use the database server to keep track of the high-
score table, which is more secure. In this project, we will show you how to save the high
score on the local machine using the PlayerPref and System.Serializable techniques.
Then, we will also save and load the high score from the server database using
WWWFrom , XML , and so on.
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