Game Development Reference
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Mission briefing
This project will start with setting up the AI's ragdoll object, which will be used to re-
place the AI when it dies. Then, we add the script in our AI script to switch the ragdoll
object with the AI object. Next, we will create the destroyable wall from four cube objects,
which will each have Rigidbody attached. Of course, we will create a script to break the
object apart by having a script to check for the colliding object.
Then, we will also create another destructible rock from multiple cubes, which will fall
when the player gets close to it. We will create a trigger area, RocksTrigger , and Rock
scripts to make the rock fall down when the player enters this trigger area using the del-
egate and event functions. However, the delegate and event functions are only
available for C# users. For Unity JavaScript users, we will create the JSDelegate class
to create our custom delegate and event functions.
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