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In the Unity editor, there is an old way to access the property from the Editor class. We
can either use the target keyword to access all the properties directly from the editor or
the SerializeProperty class and the SerializeObject keyword to access the
One way is to use target as follows:
function OnInspectorGUI() {
target.radius = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Radius:",
if (GUI.changed) {
On the other hand, we use the SerializedObject keyword and the Serial-
izedProperty class to access the property, as we can see in the following code:
SerializedProperty sep_radius;
function OnEnable() {
sep_radius = serializedObject.FindProperty("radius");
function OnInspectorGUI() {
sep_radius.floatValue =
EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Radius:", sep_radius.floatValue);
The target keyword can be used to access to the radius property directly by typing
target.radius . Then, we checked if the GUI has changed or not by using
GUI.changed . Then, we update the property by using EditorUtil-
ity.SetDirty(target); .
We use the SerializedProperty class and the serializedObject keyword to
set the serialize property in OnEnable() :
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