Game Development Reference
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As we want everything inside our menu window, we used the DoMyWindow()
function to take GUI.Window as one parameter. Inside the DoMyWindow()
function, we create all the buttons and textures. Then, we make our window drag-
gable by adding GUI.DragWindow() . With that, we are done with coding for
this step.
8. Next, go back to Unity, click on the Menu script file and drag-and-drop it to
MenuObject in the Hierarchy view. Next, click on MenuObject in the Hier-
archy view, open the Inspector view under the menu (script), and set the para-
meters as follows:
Custom Skin
Drag-and-drop MenuSkin
Hero Texture
Drag-and-drop player
Stat Box 1Texture Drag-and-drop stat1
Stat Box 2Texture Drag-and-drop stat2
Skill Box Texture: Drag-and-drop skillBox
9. Then, we can click on the Play button to see the result. In the game scene, we can
press the M key to bring up our window and click on the x button at the top-right
corner of the screen to close it, as shown in the following screenshot:
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