Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Texture Button (Script)
Drag the Key prefab object from the Project view
Player Drag the Player prefab object from the Project view
Make sure that you use the prefab object from the Project view, not the Hier-
archy view. If not, the script might not work properly.
9. For the last step, we will go back to the PlayerController_2D script and the
_restartButton variable to make this work. Let's open the PlayerControl-
ler_2D script and add the OnTriggerEnter2D() function as shown in the
highlighted script:
// Unity JavaScript user:
private var _restartButton : GUITexture;
function Awake () {
_restartButton =
function Start () {
_restartButton.enabled = false;
function OnTriggerEnter2D (hit : Collider2D) :
IEnumerator {
if (!_gameEnd) {
if (hit.tag == "Door") {
if (_hasKey) {
_restartButton.enabled = true;
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