Game Development Reference
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Engage thrusters
Here, we will create the object's Key and Door object first, and then we will create the Re-
startButton using GUITexture . Let's do this as follows:
1. Let's go to SimplePlatform | Resources | Sprites | Level in the Project view and
drag the Key object to the Hierarchy view. At the Hierarchy view, we will click
on the Key game object and then go to Component | Physics 2D | Circle Collider
2D to add the Circle Collider 2D component. Next, we will go to its Inspector
view, and set it as follows:
X : 10 , Y : -2 , and Z : 0
X : 0.7 , Y : 0.7 , and Z : 1
Sprite Renderer
R : 255 , G : 142 , B : 0 , and A : 255
Circle Collider 2D
Is Trigger Check the box
2. Next, we click on the Key game object in the Hierarchy view and drag inside
SimplePlatform | Resources | Prefabs in the Project view to create the Key pre-
fab object.
3. Then, we will create the Door game object by going to SimplePlatform | Re-
sources | Sprites | Level in the Project view and dragging the DoorClose object to
the Hierarchy view. At the Hierarchy view, we will click on the DoorClose game
object, go to Component | Physics 2D | Box Collider 2D , and then go to Com-
ponent | Miscellaneous | Animator .
4. Next, we will click on the DoorClose game object, rename it to Door , and go to
Inspector , and set it as follows:
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